Composta di Peperoncino e Ortaggi – Da 100 g a 250 g


Composta agro-dolce-piccantina di peperoncino, peperoni, cipolle rosse, pomodori secchi, mele e vino negroamaro.

25% sugar. Completely handcrafted.

To combine:

  • in platters of fresh and semi-mature cheeses;
  • bruschetta with ricotta or spreadable cheeses;
  • stuffing pizzas and loaves;
  • as a condiment in sauces;
  • in cocktails, with snacks and fries
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The ITALIA LINE is the new line of jams, always in a 100 g jar.
The SALENTO LINE is instead the historic line of jams, always in the 250 g jar.

Sweet-sour-spicy compote of chilli pepper, red onions, sun-dried tomatoes, apples and negroamaro wine.

25% sugar. Completely handcrafted.

To combine:

  • in platters of fresh and semi-mature cheeses;
  • bruschetta with ricotta or spreadable cheeses;
  • stuffing pizzas and loaves;
  • as a condiment in sauces;
  • in cocktails, with snacks and fries

Essentiae del Salento has crafted this product without the use of preservatives, dyes and chemical additives

Additional information


